Our Vision
We imagine a place where we can do revolutionary-, care- and community-centered work alongside people who share our passion and vision for a liberated world. We believe creativity is healing, healing is justice, and justice is fueled by creativity.
We are multi-faceted. Our work is multi-faceted. We want a place where people do not have to try to edit parts of their practice but instead can embrace all the modalities and fields that enrich and innovate their work.
An asterisk is a star, created by several lines that meet together at an intersection.
An asterisk marks what has been omitted or what isn’t included in the main text and instead is placed elsewhere.
Asters are star-shaped flowers, used for thousands of years by indigenous communities for their healing properties.
Asterisks direct us to more context and depth, provide a place for that which has been removed, pushed to the margins, ignored, and have room to spread out and share.
Asterisks tell us there’s more to come…*